Size 9″ X 11″ Board
Medium Oil
Price Sold
Although I don’t Paint many Oil Paintings, mainly because of an allergy to the Linseed Oil and secondly they take rather a long time to dry, they have been kind to me recently and with the many new additions to this medium on the market at the moment, I have discovered Low Odour Thinners and other types of oils, I urge any artist who has suffered similar problems to just give it one more try….you’ll love it!
My natural style with Oils is a lot looser and more subdued in tone than my style with Acrylics and it feels so liberating to venture from one medium into another and still get the same amount of enjoyment out of it and no allergy!
I loved this view towards St Ives from Four Lanes and it was great to see the Daffodil Pickers a real sign that Spring has sprung and common sight down here in Cornwall with the many Bulb growers.